Full Version

This is the full version of the Bernardo Breder curriculum. You can change the version at right top of this page. This version has all works and projects registed by my name with yours references. If your have same doubt, please send email to bernardobreder@gmail.com.

Medium Version

This is the medium version of the Bernardo Breder curriculum recommended if you not know me. You can change the version at right top of this page. This version has same works and projects registed by my name with yours references. If your have same doubt, please send email to bernardobreder@gmail.com.

Short Version

This is the short version of the Bernardo Breder curriculum. You can change the version at right top of this page. This version has the main thinks about me. If your have same doubt, please send email to bernardobreder@gmail.com.


my photo
Bernardo Tavares Breder
Personal E-mail
Work E-mail
UFF - Ciência da Computação [8] [1]
Master degree
UFF - Ciência da Computação [8] [3]
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
January, 1985
Marital state
Native Portugues
Fluent English
Brazilian with Passport
Italian with Passport

How I Think

I follow the three step to develop any feature or solution of application. First you have to sit together with the user to understand your world. It important to think how his mind work to understand and fell the problem with the application. After understand the feeling, you have to think how can you create the best solution for his problem. This solution need be wornderful for the user, even if it so complicated to implement. The user don't want changes specification only because it soo difficult to implement what he want. He want an application to solve your problem, as he and you thought when you understood the problem. You have to do your best with your time and tecnology avaliable to implement the feature even if it necessary to create some short helper library to help your implementation. This helper library made for the implementation is, some time, necessary to make the code readable. The final soluction should be simple and perfect for the user. If the problem is soo complicated, help if you reduce the scope of the application or the generalization to implement only the user use nowaday, not changing the specification of the application. The important is, the solution must attend to the spectative of the user and be simple to understand and to use.

My best background for backend is Java, but i study a lot Apple tecnology to frontend too. These two environment is perfect when the solution work together, because Java is wonderful to create backend server and Apple tecnology is perfect with your philosophy to create the best experience for the user. I believe that the best solution is when each problem solved in your appropriated part. I want to say that, you can not solve a problem of the server in the client application and you can not solve a client application problem in the server. When you not study these tecnology together, it easy to make that mistake. All the time that i am developing, i thought that this problem is from each part of the project?

I like to create project that i saw a oportunity to make a new think. We have many products avaliable that not attend the real demand of the user. When it happened and when i have time to see and think about the problem, i study and make a prototype of the project with my best solution. How know and work together with me, know that i love to solve problem for project with a prototype and solution, because i believe that it is important to implement a prototype to discovery news knowledge about the problem.

Normally, in my personal and work project, i develop component-oriented and test each step of your construction, step by step. I use TDD to implement the component, because i know that when i finished the component, all the tests that i plan was writed. When i need to create a user interface, in all type of tecnology or language, i have preference to use the Passive View. [100] [111] [112]

This curriculum is so long because i use to organize all my projects in my professional life. For me, all this project represent a timeline of my works. Sorry if it is too long.

Personal Project

My main personal project called StmtNode [13] and this project is a development platform with an IDE and Programming Language owner and unique for the application. The big proposal of this IDE and Programming Language is the code generator from this Programming Language to others Programming Language, as if it were coded by a developer manually. For example, a project developed in this IDE and Programming Language can be converted to a Java project, NodeJs client/server, Apple application and others technology as if it were a project written manually, depending on the code generators implemented.

I am the only developer of the project and i spend my free time to implement it, because i believe that it is a wonderful project and i will use for my others personal projects.

The left image show a screenshot of the application executed at macOS environment building the owner website. You can visit the website stmtnode.com to get more information about the project or send me email bernardoberder@gmail.com asking.

[13] Statement Node

Master degree

Ordering of the Submission of Concurrent Kernels to Maximize Utilization of GPU Resources

New generation of Architectures GPUs allow concurrent execution kernels on the same hardware. This feature can increases the power of these devices, since it makes possible the concurrent execution of different tasks on the same hardware. However, the hardware decisions about the order execution depends heavily the order at which the kernels are submitted, causing the utilization of the hardware is not optimized.

This work propose a novel optimization approach to reorder the kernels submittion focusing on maximizing the resources utilization, improving the average turnaround time. The model the simulation of the kernels with the hardware resources modeling as a knapsack problems and use algorithm greedy and dynamic programming approach to solve them. The results are measure using kernels with different sizes and resource requirements, resulting a significant gains in the average turnaround time and system throughput compared with a standard execution of concurrent kernels.

[3] Master Defense Documentation

[4] Master Defense Presentation

Graduation degree

Breder Programming Language

Projects with specific requirements require specific programming languages. These programming languages should provide tools for a better implementation. Some projects aim at improving the modularity of its architecture, focusing on high level development while others require a better runtime performance, using low level programming features.

Breder Programming Language was designed to meet the requirements of projects that require high level and low level development by optimizing the interconnections between those levels. This work describes the characteristics of the Breder programming language and how to use it.

[1] Graduation Defense Documentation

[2] Graduation Defense Presentation

[76] Seminary of Breder Programming Language at Tecgraf


Maximizing the GPU Resource Usage by Reordering Concurrent Kernels Submission

The increasing amount of resources available on current GPUs sparked new interest in the problem of sharing its resources by different kernels. While new generations of GPUs support concurrent kernel execution, their scheduling decisions are taken by the hardware at runtime. The hardware decisions, however, heavily depends on the order at which the kernels are submitted to execution. In this work, we propose a novel optimization approach to reorder the kernels invocation focusing on maximizing the resources utilization, improving the average turnaround time. We model the kernels assignments to the hardware resources as a series of knapsack problems and use dynamic programming approach to solve them. We evaluate our method using kernels with different sizes and resource requirements. Our results show significant gains in the average turnaround time and system throughput compared to the kernels submission implemented in modern GPUs.

[115] Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

[115] Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

Resolvendo o Problema de Reordenação de Kernels Concorrentes na GPU Utilizando o Problema da Mochila

Sharing GPUs is an important trend in high-performance computing, especially true in virtual GPU environments that seek to meet the demands of customers in a cloud environment. In this scenario, GPUs need to be able to efficiently handle a variety of application loads and provide compatible throughput. In this work, we discuss the scheduling of kernels for execution on the GPU. More specifically, we present strategies to define the order in which the kernels are scheduled for execution. As this is an optimization problem, it can be modeled as a 0-1 knapsack problem. In this work, we propose the use of a greedy heuristic to solve the knapsack problem. We evaluated the gains and costs of the greedy method compared to the dynamic programming method. Our results show that the greedy method obtained good performance results with a lower execution overhead, which can be a viable solution in large scale environments.

[75] Resolvendo o Problema de Reordenac¸ao de Kernels Concorrentes na GPU Utilizando o Problema da Mochila

Maximizando o Uso dos Recursos de GPU Através da Reordenação da Submissão de Kernels Concorrentes

The increasing amount of resources available on current GPUs sparked new interest in the problem of sharing its resources by different kernels. While new generation of GPUs support concurrent kernel execution, their scheduling decisions are taken by the hardware at runtime. The hardware decisions, however, heavily depend on the order at which the kernels are submitted to execution.

In this work, we propose a novel optimization approach to reorder the kernels invocation focusing on maximizing the resources utilization, improving the average turnaround time. We model the kernels assignments to the hardware resources as a series of knapsack problems and use dynamic programming approach to solve them. We evaluate our method using kernels with different sizes and resource requirements. Our results show significant gains in the average turnaround time and system throughput compared to the standard kernels submission implemented in modern GPUs.

[5] Maximizando o Uso dos Recursos de GPU Através da Reordenação da Submissão de Kernels Concorrentes

[74] BDBComp - Maximizando o Uso dos Recursos de GPU Através da Reordenação da Submissão de Kernels Concorrentes

[6] Top Articles from WSCAD

[69] Certification of Top Articles from WSCAD

Breder Programming Language for iPhone Game Programming

This paper, propose a new framework definition for programming to iPhone with simplicity and productively. With this way, the developer can create a application, thinking only the logic of the game, forgeting the difficulties of framework and native Language for programming to iPhone.

This framework has simple and objective features to ensure the practicality of programming for iPhone. For this, we implemented a specification based on typical game framework architectures, which meets these requirements by using a Programming Language.

The Objetive-C Language used for programming to iPhone is a low level Language[STEPHEN G. KOCHAN]. With this, the developer need to implement and manager many thinks in the environment that should not worry. Because of that, it will be good if the devel- oper can use a high level Language in which will only worry about the logic of the application.

In this paper, will be used the Breder Programming Language for implement this framework. It because, the Breder Language is a high level Language that has many features to ensure the further structuring of code and productivity [BREDER, B]. Moreover, this Language was developed to assist projects that require high effi- ciency in native method call deployed in some external library, that will be use for comunication with iPhone framework [BREDER, B].

[7] Breder Programming Language for iPhone Game Programming

Breder Programming Language for iPhone Game Programming

This paper proposes a new framework definition that makes programming for iPhone simple and productive. In this paper the Breder Programming Language will be used to implement this framework. That is because the Breder Language is a high level Language that has many features which ensure further productivity and structuring of code.

[9] Breder Programming Language for iPhone Game Programming


GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 2020 NVIDIA

SmartHSE is a proprietary software technology developed by Displace, with the objective of creating alerts and inference reports generated from customer demand. In this session, learn how the software uses deep learning installed on NVIDIA® Jetson™ and submits the collected information to the Displace cloud server. They'll reveal how they use a visual computater to mitigate risks in factories.

Link of presentation



Developer with Project for client with AI solution since 2019.

Tecgraf PUC-RIO - Developer Frontend and Backend Java [83]

Developer with Java and Oracle for Petrobras. The software is a Desktop Application and a RMI Server. I work at this company since 2007.

Teach - Centro Universitário Plínio Leite

Computer Graphic in 2012/01 with 80 hours

Algorithm and Programming in 2012/01 with 80 hours

Computer Graphic in 2012/02 with 80 hours

Construction of Algorithm in 2012/02 with 80 hours

Vitrinii Developer Frontend and Backend Java and Engineer

Java and Javascript Developer of the Vitrinii.com

Software Engineer of the Vitrinii.com

Brepi Developer Frontend and Backend Java and Engineer

Developer with Java the Xkeeping.com

Software Engineer of the Xkeeping.com

Tribunal de Justiça Federal Developer Frontend and Backend Java

Developer with Java for Internal System

Web system built with Java Server

Xerox Company

Developer with Java and Oracle for Programming Language

Developer and Creator of the Software Compiler

This software compile a generic source code and generate a Report of the Company based with your Database

Project Proposal

Single Virtual Machile [71]

The project proposal is to create a web site development environment that integrates a new and unique programming language into the project to a remote host coming from a remote server service.

The main goal of the project is to "marry" between a unique programming language and a remote host, so that together they can interact and gain development resources not available in many environments. In addition, this "marriage" can have a greater approximation between the client's project and the resources that the machines need for their execution.

With the semantic and semantic analysis information and execution context captured by the new programming language used by the client, the remote machine will be able to better manage its resources for execution, and may also shift the project execution context of a machine to another at run time when more or less hardware resource is requested. In this way, a running web project can be moved from one machine to another without interference in the execution line, totally transparent to the client, providing management more adequate to the machine resources.

With this project execution context-shifting feature, remote machines can self-manage in a way that maximizes the capabilities of the machines in the face of running projects.

Operating System [116]

This project is a proposal of a new operating system with integrates knowledge of database, structure data e many other library and framework. This study is more detailed at the link above.

Experience - Java

I am working to Tecgraf since 2007 for many years with Java and Oracle, programming to desktop application for Petrobras.

Java is the Language that i have more experience in my professional life. With this language, i could implement and participate with many big and short project. The list below, show projects of Java that i participated ordered by the importance.


BandeiraBR is a private project from Tecgraf [83] to control and manager the logistic of oil. This project was developed with Client Server Java Application with Swing Desktop Framework, Rmi Remote Service Communication and Oracle Store Procedure.

Gpu Scheduler [84]

This project was created at my Master Degree to implement a Scheduler of task that will execute at GPU.

Agent Breder [23]

The Agent Breder was builded, when i was doing my master degree, which target is to create a node of server at the iPhone that can help to responde same requests from a main real server, like it is helping the server. With this, the agents can help to process the request information of the servers, and delegate to agent respond. This collaboration with agents of the computational effort that has a Web server, it will be better comment in the work.


XKeeping was a project for motivate people to continue to use academy gym. This project was a social network to encourage with the social to go to academy gym.

On Off Marketing

On Off Marketing was a project of marketing with tecnology to divulgate announcement of same clients.

Breder Language

The compiler of the Breder Language was builded with Java, because represent a great language to implement his feactures.

Report Compiler

This project was created by me when i worked at Xerox and the target of the project is to create a compiler that can read a script created by the company and generate a report by the executing. The script could read data from database and generate report based this colleciton.

Doctor Neuro

Doctor Neuro is a private project used by a Neuro Medical for register your clients.


Vitrinii is a private project to create a vitrine of companys.

Java Certification

Official Java Associate Certification [70]

The list of project below, show personal and short project to study proposal to new project ordered by the importance.

Http Websocket Server [78] [113]

Http WebSocket Server is a project to develop a website like you are programming for a desktop application. With this project, the developer can run, debug and code all website with java classes like to code to desktop java application. The target of this project is look like GWT, with the difference that every changed code not need to recompile all java source to javascript code. This project make is convertion at runtime lazyly and in practice it is much lighter than GWT.

Remote Service Access [79]

Remote Service Access is a project to abstract the technology of access to the remote server. With this project you can use a generic remote service created by this project and depending of configuration, the service can be access with Http Rest, Https Rest, RMI, Binary Socket Request and Telnet. This project show clearly that depending of the technology of access remote service you configurated, the number of bytes, performance and cpu used are different.

Database Storage [98]

This project is created to study the possibility of create a new database. This project can be big but we have many problem of existing database that is desnecessary. The specification of this database can show that you can create a much better database then exists.

Database in Memory [99]

Database in Memory is a excelent project when you want to work with a fast database.

Workstation Desktop [85]

This project was build to create a workstation of simples applications associate a user. In this project, a user can use a notepad, filesystem, database, word, shell, sheet and other tools in a corporate environment and colaborative.

Simple WebServer [86]

A simple webserver was builded by this project to reduce the scope of a website and to study other opportunity to manager more about http server. This project is a great study case to understand what happend inside webserver and to process the right way with the context of the project.

Simple WebServer [86]

A simple webserver was builded by this project to reduce the scope of a website and to study other opportunity to manager more about http server. This project is a great study case to understand what happend inside webserver and to process the right way with the context of the project.

Editor [97]

This project is a Editor like a IDE to execute same code with different language.

The list of modules below, show personal and short modules of concept that can be used in others projects.

EL Parser [96]

This module parse a Expression Language.

Html Builder [95]

This module can build a dynamic html with tool of JSP.

Markdown Panel [94]

This module is important when you want to show a Markdown content into Swing Component.

WebSocket [93]

This module is a implementation of WebSocket with simple code.

JavaXml [92]

Read and Write Xml File can be done by this module with easy way.

Java2Js [91]

This module is a compiler that convert a java source to a javascript source. It can be use to convert a frame create with Java and convert to a page with Javascript.

Json [90]

This is a short module to read and write json data.

PLSql Parser [89]

Programming with PLSQL same time is not soo good to verify how use same procedure ou how the impact if i remove a procedure. The PLSQL Developer not help so much to do refactoring in the code. This project has the goal to create a parser of PLSql code to allows same operation of refactoring.

Swing Test [88]

This module has two way to test Swing User Interface. One tester using by no gui feedback, that take fast execution time. The second tester using the gui feedback and all user event was made with internal request at swing, not using robot to made event.

Time [87]

This is a short module to use date for same context.

Experience - iOS and MacOs

I have many experience with iPhone and MacOS development with some projects by company listed below ordered by the importance. Same project is continue and other was finished because what was made is enough.

Statement Node [13]

Statement Node is my main personal project that was created IDE and a new programming language that genarate code for any platform as if it were a code written manually by a developer.


The BlueX is a private project of Tecgraf [83] builded by me that recognize any iBeacon of the area and take information about this iBeacon, which normally is a product item.


This is a private project of Tecgraf [83] builded by me to rebuild the main window scenario of the system BandeiraBR from Petrobras developed by Tecgraf to show how this project work at iPhone.


This is a private project builded by me from a family ideia to find service near to me.

Database Crypto

The popular database avaliable to iPhone, like sqlite, no storage the data encrypted. This project has the aim to create a simple database with encrypted storage. The security seminary [12] [73] presented by me show the problem of stora data at iPhone

Agent Breder [23]

The Agent Breder was builded, when i was doing my master degree, which target is to create a node of server at the iPhone that can help to responde same requests from a main real server, like it is helping the server. With this, the agents can help to process the request information of the servers, and delegate to agent respond. This collaboration with agents of the computational effort that has a Web server, it will be better comment in the work.


Encrypt is a MacOS application to encrypt file from File System. This application encrypt and decrypt files with default password configurated at start, that make simples to use.

SSH [24]

This application is used to connect to other machine with SSH Protocol. At the market, did not have any good application to connect with simples way.

Day Cost

Day Cost is a application for control the cost of person per day. This application has a great input of rotine cost that represent the top problem in this area of application.

I have many experience with iPhone and MacOS development with some personal short projects separated by module listed below ordered by the name. This short projects was created by me to reuse the modules into others personal projects.

Aes [14]

AES secure is importante to convert data to a encrypted data and revert back with one shared key. This module is importante to transfer data between application with the same shared key.

Array [15]

Array Extension has many necessary to have a code more clearly.

Atomic [16]

Atomic Value is a set of classes that can be used concurrently. This module has all primitive type with atomic operation.

BigInt [17]

Big Integer is importante class to implement some operation with cryptography.

BigSet [18]

Bit Set has operations to manipulate bits. This class is importante to project, like Compress Data Codec, to create a bit compression for a data.

BigSet Codec [19]

Codec of BitSet module is importante para serialize the bits manipulated by BitSet.

Compress Data Codec [20]

Codec of Compress Data is a module to serialize data compressed.

Data Codec [21]

Codec of Data is a module to serialize data in general.

Data Store [22]

DataStore is a module responsible for creating a small database for storing values in Json.

Data Stream [25]

Data Stream is module to read data like a read a stream, which one by can be read at time.

Database FileSystem [26]

The DatabaseFileSystem component is responsible for creating a file system based on a database. All files and directories are stored in a database thus ensuring a transaction.

DataBuffer [27]

Buffer of Data that can be write incrementally.

Date [28]

Date is a module to manipulate date and apply same operation.

Dictionary [29]

Dictionary is a module with same extension to make the code more clearly.

FileSystem [30]

FileSystem is a module for protocol to specify the API of file system.

Heap Queue [31]

The HeapQueue component is intended to be a priority queue where lower elements have a higher priority than leaving the list of higher elements. This queue has a characteristic that determines a logn complexity of insert and remover.

Http Client [32]

Http Protocol specification to access the server by the client

Http Server [33]

Http Server is a simple http server.

Index Literal [34]

Index Literal is a module to specify same literal index of array or dictionary.

Json [35]

Json is a module to implement a easy way to use json to write and read values inside.

Json File Change [36]

Module of Json to manager changes of files.

Json File Revision [37]

Module of Json to manager revision of files.

Json File Revision Base [38]

Base Module of Json to manager revision of files.

Json File Revision Client [39]

Client Module of Json to manager revision of files.

Json File Revision Server [40]

Server Module of Json to manager revision of files.

Json Track [41]

Track Json is a module to manager the track of json change.

Lambda [42]

Lambda is a module to implement same lamba operation to Collections. This module is importante to make the code more clear and easy to read.

Language [43]

Module of data structure for create a Programming Language to read and process.

Lexer [44]

Module of Lexer of a general Language

Literal [45]

Literal is a possible value for array and dictionary.

Log [46]

Module of Log to print same message into console.

Markdown [47]

Markdown is module that parse the file and convert to html.

Memory FileSystem [48]

Memory File System is a implementation of file system in the memory. This module was used in test when is necessary to write a file and check the content.

Optional [49]

Optional is a important class to manipulate null value to other value.

Path [50]

Path is a module to reference a file

Path Literal [51]

PathLiteral module is intended to assign a value to a Strings and Integers path. Its purpose is to create a dictionary of several keys of type String and Int associated with a value of type String, Int, Double and Bool.

Property [52]

Property is a module that specify a set of key value into string, normally from file, and can manipulate this key value.

Random [53]

Module of random operation necessary for same module.

Regex [54]

Module of Regex operation is importante to get same data from a string. This module was made to work well at linux environment, which is a problem in same case.

Server [55]

Server is a specification of a server with same protocols.

Sha3 [56]

Sha3 Secure is a importante module to take a hash of same data into a string with 32 bytes.

Shell [57]

Shell module was created to execute linux command into the application

SSL Server [58]

SSL Server is a implementation of ssl server to the http server.

SSL Socket [59]

SSL Socket is a low level implementation of a server.

Standard FileSystem [60]

Standard File System is a default implementation of file system that store data into real file.

Standard Server [61]

Standard Server is a implementation of a general server.

Standard Socket [62]

Standard Socket is a low level implementation of a socket.

Stream [63]

Stream is a module to manipulate operation of stream at collections.

String Buffer [64]

String Buffer is a module to create a string by append at the end.

Swift Parser [65]

Swift Parser is a module to parse swift code into structure data.

Swift Shell [66]

Swift Shell is a module to execute linux command about swift executable.

Task Flow [67]

Task Flow is a module to control the flow of tasks.

Unix Shell [68]

Unix Shell is a module to execute unix command in general.

Experience - Web

This session is under constructor.

Experience - GPU

Gpu Scheduler [84]

This project was created at my Master Degree to implement a Scheduler of task that will execute at GPU.

Cpu Gpu Language [84] [114]

The Linguagem Cpu Gpu was created for improving the development of aplication that use GPU in your algorithm. With this, was developed a high level language that abstract specific features of video card allowing applications can run on any machine with or without GPU.

Experience - Hardware

Hardware Simulator [77]

This project is a way to implement and create a hardware circuit by a circuit programming language. This language is a new proposal to replace the VHDL.

VHDL [80]

A made a course of VHDL at PUC-RIO [82] to learn about how can i create a circuit of hardware using software programming language. This course is wonderful for me because in my monograph i want to create a microprocessor that interpreter the instruction of the Breder Programming Language.

LabView Certification [81]

I am studing to certification of LabView at PUC-RIO [82]


[1] Graduation Defense Documentation

[2] Graduation Defense Presentation

[3] Master Defense Documentation

[4] Master Defense Presentation

[5] Maximizando o Uso dos Recursos de GPU Através da Reordenação da Submissão de Kernels Concorrentes

[6] Top Articles from WSCAD

[7] Breder Programming Language for iPhone Game Programming

[8] UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense

[9] Breder Programming Language for iPhone Game Programming

[10] GitHub.com of Bernardo Breder

[11] LinkedIn of Bernardo Breder

[12] Seminary iOS Security

[13] Statement Node

[14] Apple Module Aes

[15] Apple Module Array

[16] Apple Module Atomic

[17] Apple Module BigInt

[18] Apple Module BitSet

[19] Apple Module BitSet Codec

[20] Apple Module Compress Data Codec

[21] Apple Module Data Codec

[22] Apple Module Data Store

[23] Agent Breder Monograph

[24] SSH Application Image

[25] Apple Module Data Stream

[26] Apple Module Database FileSystem

[27] Apple Module Data Buffer

[28] Apple Module Date

[29] Apple Module Dictionary

[30] Apple Module FileSystem

[31] Apple Module Heap Queue

[32] Apple Module Http Client

[33] Apple Module Http Server

[34] Apple Module Index Literal

[35] Apple Module Json

[36] Apple Module Json File Change

[37] Apple Module Json File Revision

[38] Apple Module Json File Revision Base

[39] Apple Module Json File Revision Client

[40] Apple Module Json File Revision Server

[41] Apple Module Json Track

[42] Apple Module Lambda

[43] Apple Module Language

[44] Apple Module Lexer

[45] Apple Module Literal

[46] Apple Module Log

[47] Apple Module Markdown

[48] Apple Module Memory FileSystem

[49] Apple Module Optional

[50] Apple Module Path

[51] Apple Module Path Literal

[52] Apple Module Property

[53] Apple Module Random

[54] Apple Module Regex

[55] Apple Module Server

[56] Apple Module Sha3

[57] Apple Module Shell

[58] Apple Module SSL Server

[59] Apple Module SSL Socket

[60] Apple Module Standard FileSystem

[61] Apple Module Standard Server

[62] Apple Module Standard Socket

[63] Apple Module Stream

[64] Apple Module String Buffer

[65] Apple Module Swift Parser

[66] Apple Module Swift Shell

[67] Apple Module Task Flow

[68] Apple Module Unix Shell

[69] Certification of Top Articles from WSCAD

[70] Certification of Java Associate

[71] SWAS Project for Host Server

[72] Master Students of UFF

[73] Seminary about iOS Security

[74] BDBComp - Maximizando o Uso dos Recursos de GPU Através da Reordenação da Submissão de Kernels Concorrentes

[75] Maximizando o Uso dos Recursos de GPU Através da Reordenação da Submissão de Kernels Concorrentes

[76] Seminary of Breder Programming Language at Tecgraf

[77] Hardware Circuit Simulator

[78] Http Websocket Server

[79] Focus the student Bernardo Breder (end of page 4)

[80] VHDL Study

[81] LabView Certification Doing

[82] PUC-RIO

[83] Tecgraf

[84] Gpu Scheduler

[85] Workstation Desktop Java Application

[86] Simple WebServer for Java

[87] Time for Java

[88] Swing for Java

[89] PLSql Parser for Java

[90] Json for Java

[91] Java to Javascript for Java

[92] Java Xml for Java

[93] WebSocket for Java

[94] Markdown Panel for Java

[95] Html Builder for Java

[96] EL Parser for Java

[97] Editor for Java

[98] Database Storage for Java

[99] Database Memory for Java

[100] GUI Architectures

[111] Passive View

[112] Swing, Passive Model-View-Presenter In 5 Minutes

[113] Http Websocket Server Presentation

[114] Cpu Gpu Language

[115] Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

[116] Proposal of Operating System